Tuesday, May 24, 2011

70.3 Florida Race Report by Genevieve Blais

Last week-end, may 15, I had completed 70.3 Florida.

It was great and very hot. Not used to 30-35 degrees now.
I was a good cutomer of ice at aid station to try to stay cool.
Ya, flat course but hot.
I had travelled with Wes Jet with my new box (same as Jamie) and they are great for fees.
An album is avail on FB.
Thanks to all support from the Baydogs, specially to Joe and Greg my boyfriend supporter, sherpa and cheer leader for the event.
We had a great time.

I strongly encourage anyone to race and discover what is around...
Nice way to start the season, I already got my race suit marks from sun burn!
Way to go!

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