Friday, June 3, 2011

Nate Matthews Ride Report - Tour de Tips

On May 29 and 30, Nate Matthew and Mike Sprayson attended the Tour de Tips bike ride from York Region to Niagara Region, a 2 day tour covering 220km. This was a charity ride for Crime Stoppers.

We left Newmarket with rain and strong winds. The weather cleared by lunch and had a terriffic ride through Peel Regions back roads and finished up in Burlington to a bbq.

The second day was terriffic. We avg close to 40 kph in a group of 8 screaming down the waterfront walk and bik path (the size of a 3 lane hwy) heading south thru Burlington. That lasted for 40 km where we stopped for a rest and the lead group kept going.

We ended up arriving first at the winery outside of St. Catherines after the lead group took a wrong turn. We were met by a bag piper and a nice lunch.

It was a great ride and our legs and butts were no worse for wear after day 2.

Now there is a Toronto to Ottawa ride at the end of September if anyone is interested. 3 days, 140 km each day.

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