Sunday, November 29, 2009

the Baydogs are HERE !

the Barrie T.C. would like to welcome officially all its new members. salut!
The excitement is building & some fabulous ideas came from yesterdays 2010 Kick off meeting #1.
So what's next? It starts now!
TM8 : This Thursday Dec. 3rd is the Morning 8km run starting from Johnson Beach parking lot. (corner of Johnson & Ridge Rd. or just south of No Frills on Blake.)
Social & Laughs : Thurs. January 7th is the first club Social @ the Locker room 7:30 pm Guest Speaker Josef P. "Less is More" his latest movie & personal thoughts on training for Ironman Swim.
Next Kick off meeting #2 is tentative schedule for Sat. January 9th location South end. tbd.

Spread the Word, tell your friends :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Preview Agenda for Saturday's Meeting Nov 28th

Agenda Preview (duration 90 mins)
Barrie T.C. (Triathlon Club)
Fall Meeting Sat. Nov.28th 2009 1pm @ East Bayfield Community Centre
Activity Room 2

Please make cheques payable to “Barrie T.C” in the amount of $ 75.00 for your 2010 membership.

Welcome & New Committee (Jamie) 5 mins.
Financial update (Mischele) 5 mins.
Quick Overview on OAT & Sanctioning (Mischele) 10 mins.

(Jamie 20 mins)
2010 Club Goals :
Take Club Membership from 41 to 80 .
To introduce 3 more regular activities to participate in.
As your Chair, my vision for the club is to build the brand “Barrie T.C.” This will be done by making it a fun & social club, that in time, through our own growth, will be highly recognized as a premier Provincial Triathlon Club.

2010 Activities :

Social Night : first Thursday of the month @ Locker Room 7:30pm

Time Trials : every Tuesday night @ 6:30 pm

Speed Work Drills : Wednesday evenings @ 6:30pm

Saturday Morning Bike Rides (Ted Read) designated routes, leaders & times to come.

Open Water Swims (Centennial Beach) tentative Wed. mornings.

Thursday Morning 8 km Run : 6:30 am from Johnson Beach Parking Lot.

New Name & Logo

Website & Blog ; reinvest in site & looking for more blog writers.

Sponsorships ; we are seeking 4 sponsorships for our web page. Sponsorships will assist the club in being proactive. Please speak to Jamie Nielsen directly.

Other Business ( Q & A)

** Note ~ your executive fully realizes, that with any larger group of people, we will not always be able to accommodate times & dates. Thus, our focus is always to produce the best solution that will work for the majority. That said, we are always open to suggestions that will support our goals & vision.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Barrie T.C. Baydogs 2010

2010 is going to be a year of GROWTH! On Saturday November 28th 1pm at the East Bayfield Community Centre Activity Rm #2 we launch our 2010 season. Monthly Socials, time trials, speed work, regular morning runs, saturday rides & more.
Memberships for 2010 are $75. ($35 Club + $40 OAT). Bring your cheque books or cash.

The Kempenfelt Tri Club had a great successful 2009 year. Now we are building on that. Yes, after carefully thought we are changing our name for better recognition outside our own city. We will now be known as the Barrie T.C. and our club nickname will be the "Baydogs".

Spread the word. Tell your friends, co-workers, & family.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Race Notes from 70.3 Longhorn by Kevin White

Post Race Notes for Ironman Longhorn 70.3, Austin Texas by Kevin White

I flew to Austin for what was an extended weekend...the flight was cheap
and the accommodations were very reasonable making this a great venue for
my travelling road show!

The first thing I noticed upon arrival in Texas was the HEAT! I knew it
was going to be HOT but WOW!! Without a lot of time I knew I would just
have to tough it out as I wouldn't get a chance to acclimatize.

The race site was VERY STRANGE...with two completely separate transition
areas. One by the lake and the other approx. two kilometres away near the
finish line. The transitions were clean and everything had to be unpacked
and repacked whilst in transition. It took a little extra time but they
did ship your stuff to the finish line for you.

Race morning was perfect for temperature at around 70 degrees but the winds
were between 15 to 20 miles per hour. Due to the wind, the swim was
choppy. The water temperature was 75 degrees and some locals almost
refused to get in...saying it isn't fair to make us swim in such cold
temperatures. Wetsuits and all!

The bike was interesting to say the least!! Very windy with the ranches
spreading across the countryside (I can now tell the difference between cow
and horse manure), forcing the riders to stay aerodynamic as much as
possible. Hillier than I was expecting as well...again the locals claim,
ya know this is where Lance trains!! The roads were in VERY bad shape.
In Ontario they fill the cracks with asphalt...there they just spray
painted them yellow so you could try and avoid falling in! The drought
like conditions have severely damaged the roads and you had to stay very
mentally focused and often travel to the other side of the road to avoid
the damage. I managed to "steer" clear of the cracks and finished feeling

The run was a three "looper" and a couple of big hill climbs played on your
mind as it seemed like you were constantly running uphill. The temperature
was in the mid 80's by this point but the aid stations were plentiful and
the options were endless!! Cold towels, sponges, water guns, nutrition,
and cheerleaders were throughout the course.

The finish line was inside the rodeo arena (similar to a hockey arena
without ICE) and upon finishing you get a ice cold BEER!! That was a first
for me, but a tradition I look forward to continuing. The food wasn't very had an option between a baked potato OR a taco...and yes only
ONE! No seconds of food...but you could have another beer!!

The Texas hospitality was great...from folks helping with directions and
course orientation, what seemed like thousands of volunteers, and nice
people even drove me home after the event.

Some suggestions if you're thinking of doing this race...stay
downtown...there is nothing, and I mean nothing once you get outside the
city limits. Rent a car...everything is FAR and the taxis were expensive.
Make sure you have a fridge in your room as the restaurants aren't what we
are used to back home. Be ready to drink a beer after your race...this
could take some getting used to!! Don't think because it's in Texas that
it's going to be expensive...the entire trip cost me less than the hotel
room at Deerhurst. I would strongly recommend this race!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

2015 Pan Am Games coming to Toronto & Barrie

Last night it happened Toronto's bid was successful. Toronto and various surrounding cities will be hosting the 2015 Pan Am Games which means Hardwood Hills in Ore=Medonte will be hosting the Mountain Biking races.
The Triathlon event is schedule to take place near Ontario Place and a brand new Velodrome is to be built about 45 minutes to the west of downtown Toronto.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Q & A w/ Mischele Stevens KTC President

Mischele Stevens is the Kempenfelt Tri Club President and has done an amazing job serving in this role. I know all of us in the Club thank you. It isn't always the easiest job.

1) The KTC had an amazing year ; what in your mind sticks out as the biggest accomplishment or moment ?
Since I have to choose just one accomplishment or moment, I would choose the accomplishment of all the KTC members that finished their first Ironman. It is a big personal accomplishment and this year we had many members that reached that goal.

2) Do you have a major goal for the Club in 2010 that you would like to see achieved?
Its basically the same goal I have every year. To be bigger and better than the year before. And to have great workouts and more people out to the workouts

3) Is it true that your husband is secretly building the KTC a new Club House out on the 6th Line, or is this just a viscous rumour ?
You know the saying...its classified. Wouldn't that be nice.
4) Currently how many members do we have & how many are named Joe ? Jill ?
KTC has 41 paid members. There were a few people that came out to a workout or two but never signed up. Also, there are many that asked to be on the email list, so hopefully they will sign up next year.

5) Do you have a target number to grow the membership for 2010 ? 50 would be good, the highest yet.

6) Mischele, personally what are your goals for 2010 ? Races, your training business? other ? I only did one race this year - Florida 70.3 and then decided to retire from racing. Like all others, I miss the sport too much to stay away. Since I have a bum knee, I will do a couple swim/bikes in 2010 and maybe something else that peaks my interest. I will do Lake Placid 2011. And who knows from there.
As for my coaching business, I hope to be busier than last year and to see my all my athletes meet their race goals. Watch out!

Michelle, any last comments ?
To all KTC members present and future....what do you want to see from KTC 2010? Or should I say the soon to be named Barrie Club 2010?