Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Merrell Technical Baydogs Shirts $20

Tomorrow [Sat. April 3rd] is our first group long ride, meet at Shanty Bay Public School on Ridge Rd. no later than 8:50 am. The Club has for you to purchase Merrell Technical Baydog Tshirts. They will be available for you to purchase tomorrow. Note we are passing on the incredible savings to you. This shirt regularly retails for $ 40 plus.
Here's a quick checklist of items to brings :
* water bottle * spare tire * your helmet * money for breakfast * $ 20 for Tshirt * c02 cartridge or pump *
looking forward to good conversation & ride, cheers Jamie.

Monday, March 29, 2010

2010 ATB Congrats!

To all the Baydogs who ran yesterdays ATB, a big congratulations. Wayne Hodges ran the relay. Joe & Joanne Polcz finished with a time of 4 hr 23 mins. Paul Harber 3 hrs 51 mins. Brenda East 3 hrs 2 mins. Jon Dow 2 hrs 16 mins and Mark Harrison with a time of 2 hrs 14 mins. Now register for the Hamilton Marathon in November to do a PB. Job well done everyone.
From time to time i do err in leaving out some members, if i have please i apologize up front and lets us know.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Race Report by Jon Dow

Miami tri! It was amazing... The course itself showcases one of the most beautiful skylines in the world. The swim is in Biscayne Bay and is an age group beach start....i was a little worried about swimming with the sharks but i just swam as fast as i could to get the hell out of there! The bike course takes place on the Rickenbacker Causeway and is two loops, making it a great spectator friendly event. The causeway is the oldest and largest bridge in Miami and is the only hill on the course, since its a 2 loop course it still makes 4 fairly tough hills! The run course is a two loop trail run which is also flat. It can get congested at times but that can be a problem with any course. After the race you are offered endless beer and an assortment of food. From my experience this was an excellent venue and a great way to start off the tri season. I recommend this to anyone who's looking for a fun race and an incredible time in the crazy city of Miami!
My splits were as follows:
swim-25:25 T1-2:19 bike-1:07:26 T2-:53 run-43:51
In total i finished at 2:19:55. I came 160th/1200 approx and 17/53 for my age group. I knocked off 12 minutes from my previous Olympic distance race so i am happy with the results!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jon Dow makes Barrie proud in Miami Olympic Tri

On March 14th Jon Dow finished 139th out of 814 Males in the Miami Olympic Distance Triathlon. In his cage category Jon finished 17th out of 53. Well done Jon. Jon's overall time was 2 hours and 19 minutes and 55 seconds.
Jon's splits were : Swim 25 m 25 sec, Bike 1 hr 7 mins, and his Run was 43min 51 sec. Excellent Job. Jon we will be waiting to hear all about it in your race summary. Cheers, the Barrie T.C.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Race Notes on Chilly by Doug Austin

The Chilly was great (and the race was even better!). This year's Chilly Half Marathon may have been the warmest race ever held in Canada in March. What a perfect day - the weather was more like May with +10 Cel and not a cloud in the sky. A slight cool breeze from Lake Ontario kept the body running cool. I understand there was 3,000 plus runners signed up for the Chilly

Fellow BTC member Paul Harber, "Soon -To-Be Member" Greg McMormack, and I drove down together. A few other Baydogs bused down with RR and were seen throughout the race.
None of us were running for PB's but rather just enjoyed "steady to stop" paces. Greg started out faster than Paul and I, and would have finished easily with a sub 1:45 if he hadn't dilly dallied around waiting for me to catchup at the 18km mark. I never actually did catch up to him as I experienced early "wardrobe malfunctions" at 7km (too many bloody layers!) and had to stop, not once but twice, to derobe a few long sleeves. My Ipod also refused to play at the start of the race so I stopped once to try and figure it out but with no avail. At first I was really pi$$#! and gave up on the thing, but then after 5 km or so I started to enjoy the sounds of the day and of the strangers around me. Everyone, it seemed, had their ear buds dangling rather than inserted. What a chatty bunch! Even received a few hi's from other runners outside the Club along the way. That always helps the pace a little! Who knew Spring could put the spring in your step.

Greg came in around 2:00 after slowly walking 18 and 19 waiting for me (thinking I was fairly close but wasn't). I trotted across at 2:06 which was about 11 mins off my goal for my first Half of the year. Paul came in at 2:17 which was 2 mins better than his first Half race last year. Mildly acceptable times I guess, but we all agreed more base mileage training would have given us better finishing kicks down the stretch. Wes Reid also finished the Half Walk in a stellar and steady 3:26!

No worries though, we were really out just to enjoy the day and knock one off the "Do Before I Die" list.
We enjoyed a few bowls of post-race chilly and bananas, and then tooted our way back to Barrie (well, at least I did!).
I can't beleive I didn't remember to take a camera to snap a few pics. Oh well, hopefully the organizers got a few shots worth sharing!

That's it in a nut shell. Definately need to organize a Baydog group for 2011.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chilly Half in Burlington

A special salute to the Baydogs who ran the Chilly Half last Sunday. They were Allan Johnson, Doug Austin, Brenda East, Genevieve Blais, Paul Harber, Dean Beaudry. If i have missed some names please let me know we do want to acknowledge everyone from the Barrie TC. Great showing everyone !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Great growth, great changes!

About 5 years ago a group of 5 indiviuals were meeting contiually at Saturday morning spin classes at East Bayfield. Many times the discussion of a traithlon club emerged. Barrie needed something where likeminded, crazy individuals could train together and learn from each others experiences. Since that small start, the club has had consistent growth. Barrie is a difficult community to build clubs in as a large majority of the population are commuters (myself included). By the time we get home, eat dinner and have family time, it is late at night before we can train, if at all. Yet we all hope the opportunity to train with our club comes along from time to time. Nontheless, when we see our fellow members with their club jerseys on during race days, we feel pride and cheer eachother on as we pass (or for me, get passed :)). It is great to belong to a group who are passionate about what we are passionate about.

Train passionately Baydogs and keep family #1.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

John Dow 1 hr 33 min 58 sec

John is one of our younger Barrie TC members who had an amazing race this past sunday. John finished the Peterborough Half Marathon in a time of 1:33;58. John just missed being recognized as one of the top performers in his age category. If i recall correctly John's longest training distance leading into the race was 15 km. John also ran the last 4 km on a very bad blister. The Barrie TC salutes John Dow for his great performance. John is off to Miami, FLA., to do the Miami Olympic distance. John, all the best!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Jamie, Shawn, Jon, Nat and Mark running the 2010 Peterborough Half Marathon.