Saturday, July 31, 2010
Jo's Race Journal @ IMLP
Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement! I had a great time in Placid….mostly. I love the town, love the spirit and camaraderie. Team Mojo came along with me and it was wonderful to share the experience with family this time. I have never laughed as much in four days as I did in Lake Placid. Thanks to my youngest daughter Erica for organizing and leading the pep squad. When I had very significant stomach problems on the run, the rookie fans divided themselves up and were found all over the last part of the run course to ensure I made it to the line. I didn’t know my Mom was such a runner- I think she should consider taking up the sport! Team Mojo is famous, having their pictures taken by newspapers, strangers, IM officials… throughout the day. They were easy to spot on the course. How is it that I’ve now finished two IMs but have never made the highlight video and the Team managed to do it in their inaugural year?
The days leading up to the race were filed with some light training while the others toured the sights of the Adirondacks, strolls up and down the main street and visits to Ben and Jerry’s. It was fantastic to be staying at the same location as Lynn Dowswell and her family from Orillia and to get to see Christian from time to time. Unfortunately, Genevieve and I didn’t get to meet up until the run course. She was a welcomed sight when things were not going well.
If you are not a fussy person I would HIGHLY recommend staying at the National Sports Academy. The location is unbelievable. All three sports could be viewed by family and friends from the window, I could use the washrooms there instead of the port potty lineups, put my wetsuit on in the dining hall… It was a few hundred metres from the swim start, a few hundred from transition and right on the bike and run course (right between the Town Hall and the Brewery for those of you who know the area). Meals were also included with the rooms. This also made it extremely convenient for family. Other competitors were so jealous.
No nerves at the swim start. How cool is that? I started about halfway over and near the front as it seems easier to be swum over than to get boxed in. The swim was insanely congested and there was a lot of bumping. I received one male shoulder to my nose that hurt for quite a while but I managed to relax and the eyes cleared after a while. I was happy with my 1:17 something swim which was a couple minutes faster than Penticton and met my goal perfectly.
Transition went well and the bike was very civilized. The bike was my fear because of some issues I have with my right leg but I kept my cadence high throughout and didn’t suffer at all. My heart rate was really reasonable throughout and I ate and drank according to the plan. The head wind on the hard part of the course between Wilmington and Placid was felt! I loved hearing Alan’s voice at the Aid Station on the 2nd loop- thanks Al! My goal was to be 15 minutes longer on the bike than at IMC because of my leg and to come out feeling strong. I finished in 7:02 and was 6:47 at IMC. How cool is that? I was feeling some minor stomach cramps at the end of the bike but figured they would go away as soon as I was finally upright.
T2 went well and I left town smiling although my stomach was hurting. It got worse quickly and turned into what I can only describe as full on labour pains. Stitches or cramps don’t even begin to explain the feeling. Nothing would make them go away and I tried everything. If I had of gone to the medics there is no way they were letting me go. Lucky I didn’t find a shotgun- I may have put myself out of my misery. I definitely made some mistakes nutritionally this time that I need to figure out. Something to do with freezing Sustained Energy for my second three hour bottle, making my drinks with the local chlorinated water, too much protein with my breakfast or a combination of the factors. My training and fitness was very similar to IMC. Thanks to Christian, Paula and Genevieve for your encouragement. I was not in a happy place. Hope I didn’t scare you too much. Crazy that I was so worried about my leg and that it held up so well. The second half of my humbling “slither” was somewhat better after I spewed about five buckets of water from my stomach, much to the dismay of one of the lovely volunteers at the aid station at the bottom of the hill heading back into town. The pain was still too much to run but power walking was possible. With about 8 km left to go the pain went down significantly and I was able to run. It felt so good. Even though it was the only real uphill part of the course, it was the most liberating feeling to really use my legs. David AKA Rex was a great support at the Boathouse aid station. Thanks Rex. Glad I didn’t scare you off signing up! I also realized that I could finish in under 16 hours . 15:55- (yikes- far off my goal of 13:30). As I ran into the Oval, the crowd was supportive and I finished with the “Iron Friar” of Placid who has done all 12 of the IMLP races. Then I got thinking that with the disaster of a day that it turned out to be, I might as well have stretched it out another hour and I could have been really famous by coming in at midnight (one way to make the highlight video).
If I blank the run out of my mind, I had the most amazing time in Lake Placid. I feel very grateful to finish the race considering the day. After cleaning up at the room and going back to cheer the last of the group in, I booted up the computer and registered for Switzerland for next year. Brute for punishment.
My body recovered really quickly and I was able to run and swim by Wednesday. The only part I still feel is my abs. After contracting for 42 km I should have abs of steel for life. There must be some silver lining hidden in there some where (?)
Time for a drink of water. I’m tasting chicken broth and gels after writing this report…
Thanks to all my Baydog Friends-in- Training,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Deep Calf Strain (most common 2010 injury).
By Frank Astri of Chiropractic Clinic on Cundles Rd.
Triathlon season is in full swing. Everyone is training hard and sometimes this leads to injury. Epidemiology studies note that the majority of triathlon-related injuries occur during run training and affect the lower limb "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Jan;27(1):42-50. This is thought to be a result of poor running mechanics and/or training errors which may involve increasing mileage too rapidly, speed training, and hill training. "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Jan;27(1):42-50.
So, the winner for the most common injury treated this year has been tibialis posterior strain “deep calf strain”.
The Tibialis posterior raises the instep and rotates the foot medially such that the toes are pointing inwards ("pigeon toed stance"). Tibialis posterior strains can present as pain in the calf or ankle and may have swelling around the inner potion of the ankle. In the first 72 hours this should be treated with ice, compression and elevation. Training should be halted or decreased until examined by a medical professional. Treatment may include, rest, ice, anti-inflammatory, rehabilitation exercises, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture or any form of soft tissue techniques.
Injuries to the lower leg/ankle are common in triathletes due to overuse mechanisms. These injuries are commonly reported during running and rarely reported during swimming. So the lesson is, be careful with your training programs and have your injuries looked at quickly. It is always better to miss a few training sessions than it is to miss a whole season.
Triathlon season is in full swing. Everyone is training hard and sometimes this leads to injury. Epidemiology studies note that the majority of triathlon-related injuries occur during run training and affect the lower limb "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Jan;27(1):42-50. This is thought to be a result of poor running mechanics and/or training errors which may involve increasing mileage too rapidly, speed training, and hill training. "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Jan;27(1):42-50.
So, the winner for the most common injury treated this year has been tibialis posterior strain “deep calf strain”.
The Tibialis posterior raises the instep and rotates the foot medially such that the toes are pointing inwards ("pigeon toed stance"). Tibialis posterior strains can present as pain in the calf or ankle and may have swelling around the inner potion of the ankle. In the first 72 hours this should be treated with ice, compression and elevation. Training should be halted or decreased until examined by a medical professional. Treatment may include, rest, ice, anti-inflammatory, rehabilitation exercises, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture or any form of soft tissue techniques.
Injuries to the lower leg/ankle are common in triathletes due to overuse mechanisms. These injuries are commonly reported during running and rarely reported during swimming. So the lesson is, be careful with your training programs and have your injuries looked at quickly. It is always better to miss a few training sessions than it is to miss a whole season.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hello Baydogs,
What a journey! WOW!
3.8K SWIM, 180K BIKE, 42K RUN
I'm still not realizing what I did this week-end and I lot going on in my mind.
I have to believe that this IM happen just because I can feel my quads!
It sounds unreal to me still, I dreamed about it for so long.
Yes, I enjoyed the moment and each second of it being lucky and healthy to be there!
I was concern at swim start because I wasn't not nervous like usual, no butterfly but just impressed about all the people there to support us looking and not even a green grass spot left.
I was worried about getting excited because in this distance, anything can happen and I was so affraid about being desappointed and to disapointed my closest ones.
So, I told myself, this is another training day but today there is a crowd who is going to bring me to the finish line.
I have a great race overall and I manage to finish and complete my mission in 15:22 hres.
My target was below 15 and if I wouldn't had gone into the toilet for so long into the first run loop, yes, the below 15 time would had been there on my finisher picture!
SWIM - great time, happy with it with a last minute shoulder injury and water so warm. Conservative pace.
BIKE - manage the hilly course, 1/2 of the first loop in the rain but cloudy sky after around 23 degres, perfect to me.
Nutrition plan works out good, I forced myself to eat small and constantly and I was a good customer at the buffet/aids stations.
I will just stay away from bananas and oranges for a little while :)
RUN - I power walked the hills up and kept a constant pace otherwise. Was so focus and concentrate. A lot going on all day long in my mind, I kept busy thinking and reproducing pictures and cartoons of my training sessions and you guys were with me and I didn't have to deal with demons.
I flew on the run (looks like I improve my weakness) and what a good feeling to hear: "Go Genevieve Go, Go Canada Go (yes I got my shirt on), look strong" and I was, smilling getting up the hills!
My mentra was pacing, keep focus on small distances and references points ahead.
I wish to everyone to have this kind of race / experience or feeling in life.
It was a strong mental game to avoid to get trapped into the negative side of it.
Again, I surprise myself and never thought I was strong like that.
And Yes, even before crossing the finish line, I knew it was my first but surelly not my last one. Summer 2012 but I just don't know where yet!
Got my M dot tatoo this morning as I promissed myself;)))
A very special thanks to Mischele (coatch), David (Masso), Tara (Osteo) and Mr. Garant (chief pilot).
TT Results from July 27th
Monday, July 26, 2010
IM Lake Placid
A huge congratulations to Genevieve Blais and Jo Anne Merkley for competing and finishing Ironman Lake Placid yesterday. The Barrie TC salute you both. We look forward to your race notes. Bravo Bravo Bravo!!!
Also this past weekend many Baydogs participated in Muskoka Long Course as well as Bala Sprint. Send in your race notes.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Barrie TC surpasses 2010 Targets (part 1)
The Barrie Baydogs might just very well be the "white jersey" Tri Club of the year. Somewhere, outside of Canada, perhaps in Zimbabwe or New Zealand there is an underground newspaper, that has mention the phenomenal growth of the Barrie TC. Larry McDonald our biggest advocate told me in confidence, at the recent G8 in Huntsville, Prime Minister David Cameron was overheard to say, he wishes he was a Baydog. Please do not misconstrue "cockiness" for "fun". Sincerely, our rapid growth and popularity in Ontario has been extraordinary. As we reflect, and then envision our 2011 Objectives and continued growth, we are being recognized as one of the biggest, most exciting, most social, Tri Clubs in the U.S. and Canada. If i could share the phone calls and emails that I receive weekly asking how ones organization can support the Barrie TC, I know you would be pleasantly pleased. To our sponsors Georgian Pontiac, Lockerroom, Running Room, Chiropractic Clinic, who believed in our vision and gave us their support, we the Barrie TC thank you.
Thanks to all the Baydogs for their compassion as we have now met our Club's goals from October 2009. Our Tri Club is dynamically "FUN". We have such a great group of individuals. Just to name some Eric Bonds, Nicole, Dave Reckzin, Joseph Polcz, Katie Bonds, Marcus Methot, Kirsten Lowery and so many more. Doug Austin is our Mr. Enthusiasm. Michael "Phelps" Colquhoun for his swim support. Mischele for her behind the scenes administration work. Ted "Mr. Saturday Morning" Read who every week puts together our long rides. Heather for keeping time at our TT. Shawn, Nathan, Lloyd, Marie for their continue caring and support. Joe for his humour that keeps us in stitches laughing. Mr. Hatch for his words of wisdom. Then there are true purebred Baydogs who are either in their first year, or have returned to the sport after having a hiatus like : Wes, Phil, Doug, David, who might be our strongest supporters. Then there are the likes of John Welsh, Kevin White and Jon Dow who have reached new performance highs. Genevieve, Joanne, Ross, Dr. Tim, Michele R., Geoff "Nine Inch" Neagle, new member Stuart West, Gary, Trish, Mr. Harrison, Ken, Matt "how much faster can i get?" Doucette, Kelly & Kelly, Laurie Crosson, Paul, Frank, Scott, Mark, Mark, Marcus, ... (sorry folks i will be back, i must back soon to many more people i need to thank.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Gravenhurst Sprint 7/18/2010
The Barrie TC turned in a few amazing results on Sunday. Carlos Vilchez finished 11th Overall and had a swim pace time of 1:40/100 m in the race. WOW! Lloyd Smith again had a beautiful race finishing high in the standings. Kirsten Lowery finished third in her age category. Katie Bonds had a solid race as well as Scott McEdwards.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Gravenhurst Olympic Dist. 7/17/2010
Incredible showing from the Barrie TC. Paul, Gavin, Marcus,Doug, Greg, Matt, Eric, Marie, Darcy, Shawn, Jon, Kevin and more... all participating in the hot conditions. Jon Dow had an absolutely stellar race finishing 8th overall. Jon told me his goal was 2 hrs 12 mins. Not only did he beat his target he massacred it. Kevin White showed why he is going to the Worlds, had a strong race too. Shawn Patton had a very good race considering he was one of many swimmers who got caught in what will now be remembered as the "wrong side of the island swim". Still somewhat of a mystery, a large group of swimmers i believe were using the wrong rooftop to site and slowly unknowingly drifted far right. A rough guess about 250 meters, maybe more offline. After the race we were talking to John Salt [Race Director] and he acknowledge it was a problem. John shared even his wife, who is a strong experienced swimmer got caught in this bizarre circumstance. Regardless, Gravenhurst continues to be one of everybody's favorite races. Go to Chiptime results to see results. ps: thank you Larry McDonald for your support and well wishes.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Thunder Bay Thunderbolt
[ the following was written by Dave's son Mark ]
Merrrrrmp! The horn goes off, the triathletes are splashing through the water. Oh, I’m just talking about Dave Reckzin’s first triathlon in 8 years. He lost 91 pounds to get here.
It was very busy at the start with 118 individuals and 43 teams. They started male 5min before the women and teams. He came out of his 1k swim 18 min later.
His transition was very fast. Dave came back 1hr, 29 sec later from his 32k bike ride. His second transition was even faster than his first.
His run was 8.4k and it took him 42min 05sec. It took him 2hrs 34sec to finish. He came in 23rd overall and 3rd in his age group.
ps~ Well Done Mark, cheers Jamie!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Geoff Neagles in San Fran
Barrie TC goes international. Did we not say that the Barrie TC would become a global success? Baydog member Geoff "Nine Inch" Neagles in San Francisco. Proudly wearing his new Baydog jersey. Talk it up Geoff. While, you're there recruit some members.
Cheers hoping you are having fun in the hilly city.
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