Monday, June 22, 2009

Guelph Lakes 1

Congrats to Joanne Merkley who finished 5/46 in her age category at Saturday's Guelph Sprint. From what I heard from more than a few sources was the race was crowded almost too crowded. The weather wasn't ideal either. MH, Michael Colquhoun & Lloyd Smith also competed in the sprint all doing very well. On Sunday again Joanne & MH competed. As usual MH performs exceedingly well. Shawn Patton, Kirsten Lowery, along with many others from the Barrie area took place. A special congratulations to Allan Johnston who finished 5th in his age category. Congrats Allan. Barb tells me she wants to get you out to the Barrie Masters. Something to look at. Guelph Olympic is a beautiful course, the swim of 1500 m was a two loop 750 with a section of 40 m running on the beach. Competitors were asked to seed themselves based on their swimming strength for the mass start. However, race starter did nothing to reinforce the order on the beach. The swim to T1 was a fair jog. The first 5km of the bike the road conditions were rough but thereafter were great. The run was almost trail like. All & all a very good course, one that i will do again perhaps Gulph Lake II.

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