Thursday, July 30, 2009

TT Results July 29th

At Tuesday Time trials Kirsten Lowery rocked. Kirsten is in line for most improved KTC member of the year! Kirsten knocked 2 minutes off her PB time. I'd also like to mention that John Welsh (not to be confused with Joe Walsh who sang 'rocky mountain high") knocked 20 seconds off his PB. Both these accomplishments are large in stature as the crosswinds were gusting at significant levels.

1 comment:

Josef said...

To bad I wasn't there to sprint out the finish with Joe/ john again to help him get a bigger pr. lol

Way to go Joe/john!!

Ps. sorry I won't be able to make it out this comming week, I have to work a later shift. But I'll see you all at the Barrie tri!