Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Barrie T.C. Baydogs 2010

2010 is going to be a year of GROWTH! On Saturday November 28th 1pm at the East Bayfield Community Centre Activity Rm #2 we launch our 2010 season. Monthly Socials, time trials, speed work, regular morning runs, saturday rides & more.
Memberships for 2010 are $75. ($35 Club + $40 OAT). Bring your cheque books or cash.

The Kempenfelt Tri Club had a great successful 2009 year. Now we are building on that. Yes, after carefully thought we are changing our name for better recognition outside our own city. We will now be known as the Barrie T.C. and our club nickname will be the "Baydogs".

Spread the word. Tell your friends, co-workers, & family.


Matt Doucette said...

Sounds good! At first I wondered about the name 'Baydogs', until I googled to see if it actually existed. Here is what wikipedia had to say:

"A Bay dog is a dog that is specially trained to find, chase, and "bay" large animals in hunting".

Sounds appropriate for a triathlete!

Doug A said...

Barrie Baydogs... hmmm, I think it's growing on me!. Should be an exciting year. See ya'll at the meeting Nov 28!