Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hello Baydogs,

What a journey! WOW!

3.8K SWIM, 180K BIKE, 42K RUN

I'm still not realizing what I did this week-end and I lot going on in my mind.
I have to believe that this IM happen just because I can feel my quads!
It sounds unreal to me still, I dreamed about it for so long.
Yes, I enjoyed the moment and each second of it being lucky and healthy to be there!

I was concern at swim start because I wasn't not nervous like usual, no butterfly but just impressed about all the people there to support us looking and not even a green grass spot left.
I was worried about getting excited because in this distance, anything can happen and I was so affraid about being desappointed and to disapointed my closest ones.
So, I told myself, this is another training day but today there is a crowd who is going to bring me to the finish line.
I have a great race overall and I manage to finish and complete my mission in 15:22 hres.
My target was below 15 and if I wouldn't had gone into the toilet for so long into the first run loop, yes, the below 15 time would had been there on my finisher picture!

SWIM - great time, happy with it with a last minute shoulder injury and water so warm. Conservative pace.

BIKE - manage the hilly course, 1/2 of the first loop in the rain but cloudy sky after around 23 degres, perfect to me.
Nutrition plan works out good, I forced myself to eat small and constantly and I was a good customer at the buffet/aids stations.
I will just stay away from bananas and oranges for a little while :)

RUN - I power walked the hills up and kept a constant pace otherwise. Was so focus and concentrate. A lot going on all day long in my mind, I kept busy thinking and reproducing pictures and cartoons of my training sessions and you guys were with me and I didn't have to deal with demons.
I flew on the run (looks like I improve my weakness) and what a good feeling to hear: "Go Genevieve Go, Go Canada Go (yes I got my shirt on), look strong" and I was, smilling getting up the hills!

My mentra was pacing, keep focus on small distances and references points ahead.

I wish to everyone to have this kind of race / experience or feeling in life.
It was a strong mental game to avoid to get trapped into the negative side of it.
Again, I surprise myself and never thought I was strong like that.
And Yes, even before crossing the finish line, I knew it was my first but surelly not my last one. Summer 2012 but I just don't know where yet!
Got my M dot tatoo this morning as I promissed myself;)))

A very special thanks to Mischele (coatch), David (Masso), Tara (Osteo) and Mr. Garant (chief pilot).

And can I add with my name now...

1 comment:

Jamie N said...

Congratulations again Genevieve! Thank you for sharing your race notes with the Barrie TC. - Jamie